Ready? Set? DISPATCH!!

📣Announcment!! ðŸ“£

Chris & I are thrilled to announce the release of Sheep and Ram Studio's second game Dispatched! It's been a few months in the making, lots of trial and error, play-testing and planning but we're finally there!

Welcome to Dispatched! In Sheep and Ram's latest game you're in charge of sending as many parcels as you can in the provided time for your employer - A Major Online Retailer. Be careful of making sure you match the right-colour priority boxes though, you don't want to risk the Wrath of the Robots!

Dispatched! Is available from today on (Desktop WebGL and limited mobile support), AND directly on the Google Play Store! This is our first Android release so we'd be thrilled if you can take a few seconds to send a review our way!!

Thanks again for stopping by, we're dying to hear what you think!

- S&R

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